Mallow flower is the flower of woman soul, meaning the strenght, the toughness and the beauty. But sometimes our petals can hurt…

Mallow Flower Foundation has been established in 2013 to give prevention more prominence and to help the psychologic and physical recovery of women struggling with cervical cancer. The aim was to set up an organization in Hungary that pays attention to prevention and work for a special rehabilitation. There hasn’t been any organization with this function before, although it would have been so much required.
President of Mallow Flower Foundation, Icó Tóth, mother and wife had cervical cancer in 2011 after her second child was born. After her experiences she wrote the book ’All Moms recover’. Nowadays this book is highly recommended by gynaecologists when cervical cancer is diagnosed. Icó’s dream has come true as she had set up a foundation with other passionated persons, that helps make the quality of life better for women struggling with the disease and also raises the awareness about cervical cancer in order to make prevention primary.
In the past few years, Mallow Flower Foundation extended its work for gynaecological cancers – cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, vulva and vagina cancer, and has become a connection between patients, healthcare professionals such as doctors and health visitors, authorities, media, Government and population. We are working with several event, initiative on making healthy women become more conscious about prevention, and the symptoms of the gynaecological diseases. We are proud to organize the European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week and its series of events in Hungary in every year since 2014. We work for HPV prevention, with organizing prevention campaigns for adults and adolescents.
We are constantly developing year by year our Recovery Helping Program, that gives physical and mental help and improve the quality of life.
To make help available anywhere – that’s why we have 19 Mallow Flower Points across the whole country beside our virtual communtiy.
We have also connected to the programme of ESGO-ENGAGe (European Network of Gynecological Cancer Advocacy Group). For the period of 2019 to 2021 Icó Tóth, President of Mallowflower Foundation has been elected as ENGAGe Co-chair. We are also member of ECPC (European Cancer Patient Coalition), WOCC (World Ovarian Cancer Coalition) and ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology). Icó is also involved in several european projects, guidelines and working groups